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Music that orbits around your mood

Welcome to Orbit, you have reached your destination.
Discover music using your own mood as a reference.


Get a preview of the mobile application


Year: 2016
We Are Popo
My Role: Motion Graphics, UX Design



Music is found in every known culture, past and present, varying widely between times and places. Music may have been in existence for at least 55,000 years and the first music may have been invented in Africa and then evolved to become a fundamental constituent of human life. Today we’re drowning in music from artists all over the world. But there is still music to be discovered out there. To give that opportunity, driven by your mood and social environment, Team Popo crafted Orbit.


The Mobile Application


What makes Orbit different from other music streaming services?

It is a simple minimalistic app for exploring. Exploring music is something we do on the daily. Whether it’s in school, the zoo or at work.

Orbit is this extension to your musical life.

This little bit of extra, that brings you into a state of trance that brings you to the perfect workflow. It’s all a matter of time and focus. Let the music orbit around you. Take a deep breath and you’re ready to express your mood.


The Nexus

The center of the application is called the nexus, this is the place to select your music by choosing a color. The color defines your current mood. Darker colors are sad or touching while the brighter ones will deliver a more positive mood. By dragging the color indicator you can define the music speed as well. Do you like fast music? Then you have to drop the color indicator at the farther away orbit. Do you want slow music? then you have to drop the color indicator at a near orbit.


Personalize your Profile

By selecting desired colors.
Orbit automatically defines user’s current mood to start with!



After listening for a while using the Orbit application, the system sums up all the moods users experienced in the past. This way they can see personal mood changes throughout time.



Apple Watch

The apple watch application gives users the opportunity to see time, change music and adjust mood wherever they are.




Information Architecture

The Information Architecture of the website which feature more information about the company and it’s support

The Homepage

The Homepage of the website was driven to explain the concept it self.
By scrolling through this minimal tutorial you can discover Orbit from all angles.
It is the main portal to the not yet existing journey of the desktop user.
Exploring, discovering, traveling. It’s all part of this orbital journey.






  • Creating UI for music interfaces was challenging as the elements were so minimal

  • The type of music people listened to was strongly linked to how their mood was at that specific time

  • The importance of sound design when it comes to animation


Next Steps

  • Continue to iterate our prototype to make improvements and strengthen the concept

  • Possibly designing a light mode of the app as some users may prefer it

  • Recruit a copywriter to draft text for the app and the website to get communication out more efficiently



Check out the full project on Behance here.
Featured on the Behance Interaction Curated Gallery in App Design on 12/7/2015.