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Pokémon Pokédex

Gotta catch ‘em all!

A re-design of the world’s greatest anime franchise in the world.


Get a preview of the Mobile Application


Year: 2016
We Are Popo
My Role: Motion Graphics, UX Design



How might we improve the gaming
experience of Pokémon GO Players?



Martin Vlas
Yassine Boutaib
Melissa Kumaresan

What is a Pokédex?


The Pokédex (ポケモン図鑑 Pokemon Zukan) is an electronic device designed to catalogue and provide information regarding the various species of Pokémon featured in the Pokémon video game, anime and manga series. The name Pokédex is a neologism including "Pokémon" (which itself is a portmanteau of "pocket" and "monster") and "index". The Japanese name is simply "Pokémon Encyclopedia", and it can feature every Pokémon on it, depending on the Pokédex.

Source: Pokémon Wiki


Pokémon Trainers = Users

Being Pokémon GO players ourselves, we have identified some needs of the users that was currently lacking in the game


Pokémon Trainers….

  1. Need an organized way to view and keep track of their Pokémon encounters and history in less than 3 minutes.

  2. Need a seamless way to interact with other players on the game and in real life without having to lose their contact when they finish a session of the game.

  3. Need a way to be notified about exciting and important mystery gifts so they never miss out on any.

  4. Need an integration across all their devices so that their gaming experience is streamlined and are able to switch between devices easily.


So, here’s our solution.

This sitemap gives an overview of the information architecture of the app and the hierarchy of contents and features



The Pokédex App

Users can easily search for the right Pokémon by going to the index section.
Every Pokémon is categorized in their generation.

Group 10.png

Log in with the Nintendo ID

Users can log in to sync with their current Nintendo games.

Every new game will push the meta data to their mobile Pokédex or Wristdex. Users can gather around with friends to share their statistics, badges and much more!

iPhone Fold.png

Create Wishlists

We all have our favourites.

Users can create their own wish list and compare it with friends. They can see which Pokémon is loved the most among their friends.


The Trainer Profile like never before

We all know the trainer card that has general information about users as a player. It shows badges, player name and playing time.

This is a universal card which updates automatically with the current game users are playing. This trainer card is their Pokédex profile which also shows user’s favourites, collected Pokémon, overall time played and collected badges.

Trainer card.png
Gift opening.png

Unwrap Mystery Gifts to reveal Mysteries

Exiting isn’t it? Opening mystery gifts has never been so much fun.

Users can unbox upcoming mystery gifts to keep updated and never miss another gift with the mobile mystery gift notifications. 





The Wristdex


Users can check out the Pokéradar to discover Pokémon at their current in game location.
They can get detailed information from the Pokémon around them and add them to their collection when caught in game!


Apple Watch version of the App






  • There was no specific Pokédex app or feature at the time when the Pokémon GO app was released

  • Players not only want a Pokédex to keep track of their Pokémon encounters and collection, but to also experience the same way how the Pokémon Trainers in the original Pokémon manga did when interacting with a Pokémon using their Pokédex. The thought of this brought out a sense of delight in players

  • The first few releases of the Pokémon GO app had very minimal features

Next Steps

  • Designing a way to implement this with the Pokémon GO app, perhaps a re-design of the game altogether or some kind of integration

  • More user research and try to find a better ways to improve or enhance their gaming experience

  • Pitch the Pokémon Pokédex as a stand-alone app or as a feature on the current Pokémon GO app to Nintendo and Niantic



Check out the full project on Behance here.
Featured on the Behance Interaction Curated Gallery on 05/18/2016